A Quick Look at maemo.org Website in Bugzilla (https://bugs.maemo.org/).
2010-02-01 through 2010-02-07

As of 2010-02-08 maemo.org Website contains 1398 items (+6 this week),
including 268 open issues (+4 this week):
* 191 open bugs (+4 this week)
        * 5 critical/blocker (no change this week)
        * 4 "easyfix" (no change this week)
        * 3 "moreinfo" (no change this week)
        * 0 "crash" (no change this week)
        * 0 "patch" (no change this week)
        * 3 reopened (no change this week)
        * 53 unconfirmed (+3 this week)
* 77 open enhancements (no change this week)
        * 1 "easyfix" (no change this week)
        * 0 "moreinfo" (no change this week)
        * 2 "patch" (no change this week)
        * 2 reopened (no change this week)
        * 17 unconfirmed (no change this week)

==--- New Items ---==

6 bugs were opened -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=8768,8791,8806,8825,8872,8886 ):
* [8768] Number of viewers is not shown in subforums
* [8791] After editing User_talk: page, two "You have new messages
(last change)." banners are on each wiki page.
* [8806] Diablo packages interface reports dependencies on packages
only in device rootfs as missing
* [8825] Icons as Screenshots displayed too large (e.g. for widget
icon as screenshots)
* [8872] maemo-developers archive for Feb 2010 is gzipped twice
* [8886] Uploaders mail not present in /etc/passwd

0 bugs were critical/blocker.

0 enhancements were opened.

==--- Resolved Bugs ---==

1 bug was resolved "fixed" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=8768 ):
* [8768] Number of viewers is not shown in subforums

0 bugs were resolved "invalid".

0 bugs were resolved "wontfix".

1 bug was resolved "duplicate" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=8237 ):
* [8237] Search broken in Community > Brainstorm

0 bugs were resolved "worksforme".

0 bugs were resolved "moved".

==--- Resolved Enhancements ---==

0 enhancements were resolved "fixed".

0 enhancements were resolved "invalid".

0 enhancements were resolved "wontfix".

0 enhancements were resolved "duplicate".

0 enhancements were resolved "worksforme".

0 enhancements were resolved "moved".

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

1 bug was confirmed -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=8791 ):
* [8791] After editing User_talk: page, two "You have new messages
(last change)." banners are on each wiki page.

0 enhancements were confirmed.

==--- Reopened Items ---==

0 bugs were reopened.

0 enhancements were reopened.

==--- Unloved Items ---==

10 bugs were needing love -
* [4820] Cannot modify and save Personal web under my profile
* [7528] Images in wiki are always aligned to the left
* [4614] Logged in name not aligned, may benefit from "Welcome" prefix
* [5666] Implement proper Extras QA voting interface
* [5893] Product name is duplicated in path
* [6121] The number of apps counted/displayed is off by one
* [6902] Wrong sources.list information
* [5220] broken javascript in minimalism theme
* [8806] Diablo packages interface reports dependencies on packages
only in device rootfs as missing
* [8547] talk.maemo.org is not sending e-mail notifications

7 enhancements were needing love -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=4372,6952,5125,6723,6914,7022,5131
* [4372] Aggregate multiple news sources into a single news stream.
* [6952] Add possibility to save bugzilla styled searches
* [5125] Choosable sort order on downloads list
* [6723] Would be great if it would be possible to see build log of
in-progress build
* [6914] Allow commenter to follow comments on a package under testing
* [7022] maemo.org on downloads category links when viewing list
* [5131] Poll edit or update on t.m.o.

==--- Top Tens ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes -
1. (40%) [5818] We need servers
2. (13%) [8599] Karma is not recalculated
3. (5%) [6187] XB-Maemo-Upgrade-Description is displayed way too soon
4. (3%) [3354] Publishing packages to garage.maemo.org oftens results
in "lost connection" and "permission denied" from scp
5. (2%) [5963] Applications without screenshots shouldn't appear on
front page of downloads
6. (2%) [6393] Download statistics not available even after the two
weeks have long passed (new this week)
7. (2%) [7854] undef error - Insecure dependency in exec while running
with -T switch at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Mailer/sendmail.pm line 22.
(-1 this week)
8. (2%) [8153] Can't move solutions to other brainstorm proposals (-1 this week)
9. (2%) [3363] wiki.maemo.org search does not find anything with short
search terms (-1 this week)
10. (2%) [5035] Please display XB-Maemo-Upgrade-Description in
maemo.org downloads (-1 this week)
  Please visit http://bugs.maemo.org to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes -
1. (17%) [630] Increased Bugzilla transparency - get the developers involved!
2. (11%) [6565] maemo-announce should be used or shut down
3. (9%) [1309] garage accounts and bugzilla accounts should be merged
4. (8%) [1660] Explicit feedback channels
5. (6%) [4244] Offer one RSS-feed with new/updated packages for each repository
6. (6%) [4854] List packages by maintainers
7. (6%) [7179] Provide RSS feed to extras-testing page
8. (6%) [7750] Increase Bugzilla votes limit
9. (4%) [3432] Comments on downloads.maemo.org should automatically
contain version number
10. (4%) [6721] Please provide a possibility to search in the
brainstorm section only
  Please visit http://bugs.maemo.org to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten hottest open bugs -
1. [7309] maemo-optify "auto" mode doesn't take into account
pymaemo-optify depedencies
2. [3354] Publishing packages to garage.maemo.org oftens results in
"lost connection" and "permission denied" from scp
3. [4215] active election should always appear on the root page of maemo.org
4. [7854] undef error - Insecure dependency in exec while running with
-T switch at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Mailer/sendmail.pm line 22.
5. [8477] Where is the promoter for Diablo
6. [4383] Can't upload screenshots to my pet project's page
7. [4323] "OS2008" to be replaced with "Maemo 4"
8. [4680] Autobuilder fails, but without any error logs or messages
9. [5310] brainstorm rss feed broken
10. [5311] rss feeds present but empty for Brainstorm Implemented ideas

Ten hottest open enhancements -
1. [1660] Explicit feedback channels
2. [2179] Visualize rating creation date and related software version
3. [3432] Comments on downloads.maemo.org should automatically contain
version number
4. [630] Increased Bugzilla transparency - get the developers involved!
5. [4465] Increase avatar size
6. [1286] Browse interface for bugzilla
7. [1287] User ranks
8. [1309] garage accounts and bugzilla accounts should be merged
9. [2443] Link to external reviews for applications
10. [3060] PC category should be able to pull in stats from garage

Ten oldest open bugs -
1. [1686] searching garage from maemo.org does not work
2. [2463] Force guided to people w/o canconfirm
3. [2500] Request to add additional RSS feeds at maemo.org/downloads
4. [2520] appcatalog api: os field is empty for all applications
5. [2684] Scoping maemo search does not work
6. [3197] No feedback when upload to extras fails
7. [3241] Links to user and user's talk pages are redlinks, regardless
of whether the pages link to actually exist
8. [3249] something is suggesting that news readers should find
/midcom-static/net.nemein.favourites/not-favorite.png on my web server
9. [3274] "User contributions" not visible
10. [3354] Publishing packages to garage.maemo.org oftens results in
"lost connection" and "permission denied" from scp

Ten oldest open enhancements -
1. [630] Increased Bugzilla transparency - get the developers involved!
2. [1286] Browse interface for bugzilla
3. [1287] User ranks
4. [1309] garage accounts and bugzilla accounts should be merged
5. [1660] Explicit feedback channels
6. [2179] Visualize rating creation date and related software version
7. [2443] Link to external reviews for applications
8. [3060] PC category should be able to pull in stats from garage
9. [3432] Comments on downloads.maemo.org should automatically contain
version number
10. [3460] Authors should be able to respond to comments without voting

==--- Keyworded Items ---==
( glossary: https://bugs.maemo.org/describekeywords.cgi )

0 bugs were tagged "crash".

0 bugs were tagged "easyfix".

0 bugs were tagged "moreinfo".

0 bugs were tagged "patch".

0 bugs were tagged "performance".

0 bugs were tagged "security".

0 enhancements were tagged "easyfix".

0 enhancements were tagged "moreinfo".

0 enhancements were tagged "patch".

0 enhancements were tagged "performance".

This summary is also posted to talk.maemo.org:
and the maemo.org Bug Jar blog:
maemo-developers mailing list

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