On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 09:49:48PM +0100, koos vriezen wrote:
> > I've set up OpenVPN to tunnel all traffic on my N900 and it works 
> > beautifully with /etc/network/if-up / down scripts.
> >
> > Problem is, while OpenVPN is connecting, the IM clients all connect and 
> > then when the tunnel is up and default route is re-set it takes ages for 
> > them to time-out and reconnect.
> >
> > Is there any way to delay actions that happen on network availability (IM 
> > connect, mail sync, etc.)?
> Interesting, I have a similar problem with kmplayer's download page
> detecting the network connection has gone.
> Looking a bit inside /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ I see that tcp_keepalive_*
> might be useful in this respect. According to
> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/usingkeepalive.html the
> connection is terminated 9*75+7200 secs, i.e. about 2:11:15.
> No idea if lowering these values will help though.

I'd rather not tweak the actual timeouts but delay the connections til after 
the VPN is up.
Another possible solution I thought about is faking a network 
disconnect/connect over dbus after th VPN is up to make all apps reconnect. 

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