On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 20:06 +0100, ext b0unc3 wrote:
> Hello,
> I've created a statusbar plugin, now I want to reload it (eg. when the
> configuration file changes).
> What is the best way to do that ? 

If the plugin can be unloaded and reloaded cleanly (meaning, it does not
crash hildon-status-menu :)), you could touch the .desktop file in some
way (e.g. increase version number inside the file) to make HSM unload
and reload you.

If your plugin is not unloadable, you can do this ugly trick (other
plugins can react to this somehow):

dsmetool -k /usr/bin/hildon-status-menu
dsmetool -t /usr/bin/hildon-status-menu


> Best Regards,
> Daniele Maio.

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