On Fri, March 26, 2010 09:17, Ed Bartosh wrote:
> 2010/3/25 Henrik Hedberg <henrik.hedb...@innologies.fi>:
>> Henrik Hedberg wrote:
>>>   It seems that packages are not imported into Extras-devel after the
>>>  builder has succeeded with them. Here is an example:
>>   I think I found the reason. The builder is creating empty packages.
> I doubt that.
The packages themselves where fine. There was an broken package stuck in
the non-free queue, which blocked the import of packages into the

Once packages are in the repository, the importer will fill in the correct
values for the package size etc.

I fixed the queue this morning, so everything should look better now. A
fix has been implemented to prevent this from happening again.

>> For example,
>> http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-devel_f
>> ree_i386/jammo/0.4.6/
>> http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-devel_
>> free_armel/gltron/0.70final-9maemo9/
>> http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-devel_
>> free_i386/redmond-theme/0.1/
> I don't see anything unusual from the builder logs:
> https://garage.maemo.org/builder/fremantle/jammo_0.4.6/
> https://garage.maemo.org/builder/fremantle/gltron_0.70final-9maemo9/
> https://garage.maemo.org/builder/fremantle/redmond-theme_0.1/
>>   I am still hoping that it is easy and quick to fix...
> My guess is that something happened with the NFS share and files were
> truncated somewhere between builder and repository. Try to rebuild your
> packages. Most probably builds will succeed.

No need to do that, it was purely caused by a stuck import queue.

> --
> BR,
> Ed

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