
My name is Linus Wallgren. I'm interested in the locality project for GSoC
2010 and would like to introduce myself.

I'm currently studying Computer Science at the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. This is my third year and I'm currently working
on my bachelor thesis and will begin my masters degree next term.

I participated in GSoC last year when i wrote a command line interface for
SIP-Communicator ( http://sip-communicator.org/ ) to enable users to do
various tasks directly from the CLI in order to make it easier for scripts
to interface with SIP-communicator. For example could it be used for
automatic calling or sending of messages.

The first time I heard of Maemo was when the hype around the N900 started
and I knew I had found what I for so long had been looking for as soon as I
got in contact with the community around Maemo and saw how everything was
handled and how helpful and knowledgeable everyone was.

I feel that the locality project will be a great help to many users and
there are a wide variety of applications for it. I have been thinking about
developing an application such as this by myself but have as of yet not had
the time to get started. Example use-cases range from changing telepathy
status depending on location to alter the frequency of mail updates
depending on battery status and connection type.

The fact that the project involves working with so many parts of the system
means that I have a lot of opportunities to learn. The project would also
give me great insight into how development on Maemo works.

I go under the nick ecksun both in the forums and on freenode, feel free to
contact me :)

Best regards

Linus Wallgren
maemo-developers mailing list

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