On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 16:20, Dave Neary <dne...@maemo.org> wrote:
> And from the point of view of a user, an application which was
> previously available is no longer available if the developer has tried
> to update it recently?
> I don't really understand why uploading an app to extras-devel has
> hidden the app which is in extras (PR 1.1.1). Isn't that a bit like if I
> uploaded a package to Squeeze & no-one could download it for Lenny
> any more?

If the user only has Extras enabled, they can still get the PR1.1 app
which is in Extras. However, if they have -devel enabled (and it has a
newer version), HAM will only show the newest version.

If the developer then promotes the -devel version to -testing, the
testers will only be able to install it on a PR1.2 device. So if there
are any promotions to -testing now, we will have a mixed PR1.1 and
PR1.2 queue.

However, if promoted from -testing to Extras proper, the package will
go into a *different* Extras ("fremantle-1.2"). Extras is separate,
-testing and -devel are not.



Andrew Flegg -- mailto:and...@bleb.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
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