A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla (https://bugs.maemo.org/).
2010-04-12 through 2010-04-18

As of 2010-04-19 Extras contains 1542 items (+20 this week),
including 638 open issues (+2 this week):
* 395 open bugs (-7 this week)
        * 18 critical/blocker (-1 this week)
        * 4 "easyfix" (no change this week)
        * 5 "moreinfo" (no change this week)
        * 1 "crash" (no change this week)
        * 4 "patch" (no change this week)
        * 5 reopened (no change this week)
        * 197 unconfirmed (-1 this week)
* 243 open enhancements (+9 this week)
        * 1 "easyfix" (no change this week)
        * 1 "moreinfo" (no change this week)
        * 2 "patch" (no change this week)
        * 0 reopened (no change this week)
        * 80 unconfirmed (+7 this week)

==--- New Items ---==

12 bugs were opened -
* [9899] [FM Radio] Why not creat the function of searching channel automatic
* [9900] [picodrive] CD audio keeps playing when setting sound off
* [9901] [picodrive] On-screen notifications could look better
* [9906] [Osm2go] Map select area not using all of the screen space
* [9911] [Osm2go] Projects with spaces can be created, but can't be
loaded again.
* [9915] [Webtexter] unspecified error sending message via websms.ru
* [9916] [picodrive] mode key is not working
* [9921] [seriesfinale] SeriesFinale keeps loading/updating just after
startup and it never stops, and it doesn't load series' info
* [9931] [Ukeyboard] hebrew keyboard keys are missing and duplicated
* [9947] [Conboy] Add tagging functionality
* [9952] [Extended Call Log] Installation/Update aborted
* [9955] [Healthcheck] Erroneous apostrophy in package description

0 bugs were critical/blocker.

9 enhancements were opened -
* [9903] [Recorder] Use recoder with a headset w/o N900 display
* [9907] [Osm2go] List of all created/modified nodes since last upload
* [9908] [Osm2go] GPS Tracking after disabling and restarting OSM2Go
* [9909] [Osm2go] custom presets for nodes
* [9910] [Osm2go] make the map area select screen rotatable
* [9929] [seriesfinale] Proxy Support Needed.
* [9936] [The One Ring] Reduce overhead in transitioning networks
* [9938] [conky] Time % in different CPU states visible on Conky
display and temperature
* [9944] [FM Radio] Recording feature to FM-radio

==--- Resolved Bugs ---==

8 bugs were resolved "fixed" -
* [6189] [gPodder] Various French translations missing/incomplete
* [6492] [UQM] Accelemymote component requires joydev kernel module
* [8504] [gPodder] Some strings don't show up translated in the UI
* [9152] [fMMS] Unable to download MMS on US/Tmobile
* [9754] [Xournal] Hand tool draws after selecting a color
* [9806] [picodrive] Ronaldo picodrive megacd sound problem
* [9900] [picodrive] CD audio keeps playing when setting sound off
* [9916] [picodrive] mode key is not working

10 bugs were resolved "invalid" -
* [4064] [Maemo Mapper] "the the" is a typo in the first run page
* [4068] [Maemo Mapper] OK/Cancel references to another localization
package break w/ fremantle - hildon_note_new_confirmation changed
* [4452] [Maemo Mapper] Default SQLite databases format is very slow,
especially during maps pre-caching.
* [4756] [Maemo Mapper] Documentation that comes with maemo mapper is
outdated somewhat
* [8716] [Maemo Mapper] Volume +/- hardware buttons change both volume
and zoom level
* [8717] [Maemo Mapper] "Manage Maps..." button doesn't work
* [8718] [Maemo Mapper] Some elements in the Manage Repositories
dialog are superimposed
* [8719] [Maemo Mapper] "Help..." and "About..." buttons don't work at all
* [9888] [BlueMaemo] Conflict with application packages
* [9892] [Maemo Mapper] Hang after importing large POI files

0 bugs were resolved "wontfix".

0 bugs were resolved "duplicate".

1 bug was resolved "worksforme" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=9911 ):
* [9911] [Osm2go] Projects with spaces can be created, but can't be
loaded again.

0 bugs were resolved "moved".

==--- Resolved Enhancements ---==

0 enhancements were resolved "fixed".

0 enhancements were resolved "invalid".

0 enhancements were resolved "wontfix".

0 enhancements were resolved "duplicate".

0 enhancements were resolved "worksforme".

0 enhancements were resolved "moved".

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

1 bug was confirmed -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=5910 ):
* [5910] [OmWeather] Widget settings overwrite app settings when app
is first started and confiugred from Applications

1 enhancement was confirmed -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=8099 ):
* [8099] [Hermes] Support www.xing.com

==--- Reopened Items ---==

0 bugs were reopened.

0 enhancements were reopened.

==--- Unloved Items ---==

10 bugs were needing love -
* [9742] [Erminig] Erminig crashes on sync if no network connection exists.
* [6348] [PyMaemo] import Cython.Compiler.Scanning fails with python2.5-dbg
* [4094] [Canola] playing music does stop if editing 'internet media'
in menu 'settings'
* [4610] [Canola] Video playback controls unstable
* [4761] [Mer] "Nokia" and "Maemo" should be replaced with "Mer" in translations
* [7561] [Zoutube] Audio loss while minimizing Zoutube
* [7583] [Zoutube] After playing a video Zoutube can't return to
landscape mode properly
* [9847] [Multilist] Typo in Settings menu
* [5587] [Mer] on-screen keyboard is too wide; right key names are off screen
* [9445] [Pyrecipe] Dbus connection problem

10 enhancements were needing love -
* [5701] [BlueMaemo] Bluemaemo Stylus Input for Handwriting and Drawing
* [7584] [Zoutube] Zoutube should be able to reproduce videos in portrait mode
* [9875] [Personal GPRS Monitor] function to set an start value
* [4551] [Mer] Powerlaunch is unable to handle keyboard backlight.
* [9347] [FriendStatus] don't show old status msg if none is currently
set in overview
* [9160] [Hermes] Support for identi.ca
* [9648] [Extended Call Log] Add portrait mode
* [8612] [Countdown Timer] Add portrait mode to Countdown Timer
* [9907] [Osm2go] List of all created/modified nodes since last upload
* [9910] [Osm2go] make the map area select screen rotatable

==--- Top Tens ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes -
1. (7%) [7351] [Recorder] Recorder app  closes automatically after few mins
2. (5%) [5181] [gPodder] Automatically download new episodes when on
'home' connection
3. (5%) [7334] [FM Radio] audio disappear using other device
functions(connecting-disconnecting wi-fi,hspa) (+3 this week)
4. (5%) [7413] [ogg-support] Cover art not shown for Ogg Vorbis files
(-1 this week)
5. (4%) [6511] [Canola] Unable to type text in Canola on N900 (-1 this week)
6. (3%) [5504] [ogg-support] No seeking for Flac (1.0.5) (-1 this week)
7. (3%) [5673] [eCoach] Implement translation infrastructure
8. (3%) [5774] [Xournal] Consider using /opt to store the application files
9. (3%) [8508] [The One Ring] Integration with System Contacts isn't working
10. (2%) [6456] [ogg-support] Register audio/ogg mimetype to support
*.oga Vorbis audio files (new this week)
  Please visit http://bugs.maemo.org to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes -
1. (7%) [5453] [Hermes] Add google as a source for contact information
(feature request)
2. (6%) [5823] [Personal GPRS Monitor] programmable auto-reset
3. (6%) [7738] [FM Radio] Scan and auto-preset feature
4. (5%) [6990] [Hermes] Request for LinkedIn as data source
5. (4%) [5452] [Hermes] Don't overwrite pre-existing contact info
6. (4%) [6383] [PasswordSafe] Add support for V3 Format
7. (3%) [5018] [StockThis] Create a Desktop widget to display portfolio
8. (3%) [5045] [Conboy] Add undo and redo
9. (3%) [8224] [Hermes] Support for getting orkut contact details with
Hermes (+1 this week)
10. (2%) [5564] [Dialcentral] Include links to the voice mail
recordings in DC (-1 this week)
  Please visit http://bugs.maemo.org to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten hottest open bugs -
1. [4726] [Mer] Mer Flash Installer, incompatible boot error
2. [7505] [Mauku] Claims to be free, but ships no license and says
'You are NOT allowed to modify or redistribute the source code.'
3. [4089] [Canola] SystemProperties plugin error crash after upgrade to beta11
4. [8301] [Conboy] Note partly disappears - <note-content> tag closed too early
5. [7351] [Recorder] Recorder app  closes automatically after few mins
6. [4083] [Canola] cannot access to video and internet files after
upgrade to 2.0.b11
7. [9750] [FriendStatus] FriendStatus fails to load contact history
8. [9742] [Erminig] Erminig crashes on sync if no network connection exists.
9. [3886] [Canola] Interface buttons disappeared: video, podcasts,
internet media
10. [5278] [Mer] Frequent reboots on mer0.16 testing 6 JFFS version

Ten hottest open enhancements -
1. [9495] [MediaBox] Interface to web based services like Ovi Share,
Picasa, Flickr etc.
2. [9936] [The One Ring] Reduce overhead in transitioning networks
(new this week)
3. [4058] [Canola] Vertical lists are not scrolled properly (-1 this week)
4. [5004] [Attitude] Support theming to give spirit-level view (-1 this week)
5. [5045] [Conboy] Add undo and redo (-1 this week)
6. [6109] [Gonvert] Support for Custom Units (-1 this week)
7. [6231] [Gonvert] Fat scrollbar used rather than making it pannable
(-1 this week)
8. [6324] [FM Radio] Add up a delay option for TDT sync. (-1 this week)
9. [6319] [Quicknote] Highlight searched-for character strings in
results (-1 this week)
10. [6383] [PasswordSafe] Add support for V3 Format (-1 this week)

Ten oldest open bugs -
1. [3472] [Advanced Backlight] LCARS and Hildon iconsets aren't complete
2. [3886] [Canola] Interface buttons disappeared: video, podcasts,
internet media
3. [3974] [Browser Extras] webaddons category applications have
inconsistent name convention
4. [4005] [Canola] AudioBroadcast UPnP items not showing when browsing
5. [4036] [Canola] Canola cannot properly merge multiple tracks into one album
6. [4050] [mNotes] random comments about make/mnotes_framework
7. [4083] [Canola] cannot access to video and internet files after
upgrade to 2.0.b11 (+2 this week)
8. [4084] [Canola] Intermittent hangs on audio play (+2 this week)
9. [4087] [Canola] There is no GUI way to discover podcast URLs after
creation (new this week)
10. [4089] [Canola] SystemProperties plugin error crash after upgrade
to beta11 (new this week)

Ten oldest open enhancements -
1. [4037] [Canola] Ability to switch between "Play Random Track" and
"Album" mode
2. [4058] [Canola] Vertical lists are not scrolled properly
3. [4090] [Canola] Own radio stations and playlists are not supportet
by canola last.fm plugin
4. [4101] [Mer] zenity list should allow clicking in any column for
radio and check lists
5. [4117] [Canola] Tracks in playlists should be sortable by album and track
6. [4255] [Canola] libre.fm support (instead of last.fm/audioscrobbler)
7. [4335] [Mer] Armel slowness
8. [4551] [Mer] Powerlaunch is unable to handle keyboard backlight.
9. [4650] [Mer] Request for nbd kernel module
10. [4662] [BlueMaemo] Ability to connect to Windows Mobile/Symbian devices

==--- Keyworded Items ---==
( glossary: https://bugs.maemo.org/describekeywords.cgi )

0 bugs were tagged "crash".

0 bugs were tagged "easyfix".

0 bugs were tagged "moreinfo".

0 bugs were tagged "patch".

0 bugs were tagged "performance".

0 bugs were tagged "security".

0 enhancements were tagged "easyfix".

0 enhancements were tagged "moreinfo".

0 enhancements were tagged "patch".

0 enhancements were tagged "performance".

This summary is also posted to talk.maemo.org:
and the maemo.org Bug Jar blog:
maemo-developers mailing list

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