On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Alberto Garcia <agar...@igalia.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 05:57:45PM +0100, Luca Donaggio wrote:
> > Which is the best way to resize widgets inside a PannableArea?
> > I'm writing a callback function to be called when the device
> > orientation changes and I noticed that PannableAreas retain their
> > former width, so widgets inside aren't resized (for example,
> > gtkLabels don't wrap their content).
> gtk_widget_queue_resize() should be enough.
> (we're considering fixing this directly in Maemo-GTK btw)
> Berto
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Thanks Berto!

This is the code I came up with in the meantime: I call this function from a
callback which in turn is fired when a device orientation change is

Python code:

    Recursively resize widgets
    def __resize_widgets(self,widget):
        if gobject.type_is_a(widget,'GtkContainer'):
            for contwid in widget.get_children():

Luca Donaggio
maemo-developers mailing list

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