
> I've to say that Maemo5 contacts backend needs some fixes, in case you
found a bug please report them to JIRA.

Sorry but I don't actually know what/who JIRA is.. I will post here for now
hoping that someone will know better than I do. 

> you can retrieve any detail from a contact with QContact::detail using
QContactDETAILNAME::DefinitionName as argument.

I tried contact.details(QContactPresence::DefinitionName) but did not get
any results. but I assume that somehow the presence detail would be related
to the OnlineAccount detail, no? 

The only values I get for the skype QContactOnlineAccount detail are
AcccountPath ("spirit/skype/my_username"), DetailUri("skype") and
ServiceProvider ("skype"). How can I get the "skype account" for the contact
and it is presence status. Can't figure out how and the documentation did
not help me much. Anybody can give me a hint?

> It's slow and it takes very long time because it convert every OSSO ABook
contact to QContact then it applies the filters. Native filtering is not
complete so it's turned off.

One idea/suggestion for a "fix": Is there a way to have the ContactManager
"cache" the results? Once, like you said for now, the filtering is done
after gathering all the records from the native book and converting them to
QContacts, it would be much better if we had the option to tell the manager
to cache the results, at least, when refining the search (the manager would
not have to go back and rebuild the list). I understand it would be a data
snapshot and would consume memory but for most applications just trying to
select a contact it would be a big upgrade. I know that I can get all the
contacts and then write my own filters but seems like a wasted effort. If we
could just control the cache we can continue to write the code using
QContactDetailFilter and once everything is optimized/fixed we would just
"disable" (or not) the cache and the same code would work with "live data".

Is there a plan for a new release of qt mobility packages on the maemo5?

Thanks again,

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