
On 5 June 2010 10:43, Antonio Aloisio <antonio.aloi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> You cannot push changes using the git:// or the http  since they are
> read-only protocols for git.
> You have to clone the repository (actually non mandatory but it\s the
> easiest way...) and push back the changes using the push url.

I found a workaround googling a bit :)

> So the step to do are:
> 1 add your ssh public key to gitorious using the web interface

I already did this

> 2 git clone THE_PUSH_URL

I didn't this, but....

I modified this file: .git/config in mSoma source folder, changing
this string "url = git://gitorious.org/msoma/msoma.git" to "url =
and not it works :)

p.s: isn't there any way to modify this settigs directly from
QtCreator, without having to modify them with an external editor?

Thanks again for your help!

Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
website: http://www.andreagrandi.it
PGP Key: http://www.andreagrandi.it/pgp_key.asc
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