On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:15, Tomi Ollila
<tomi.oll...@guru.guru-group.fi> wrote:
> I personally dislike polluting /opt -tree with lots of application
> directories (although that is allowed by FHS). Better alternative would
> be /opt/<provider>/... (IMHO) (also allowed by FHS), where <provider>
> is 'maemo' (is that LANANA-registered (what LANANA???). FHS also says
> there might be bin/, lib/, include/ and <application-name> directories
> intermixed there (which I don't like either). But YMMV.

But polluting /opt/maemo with lots of application directories is
better? If you want to encourage /opt/<provider>/<application> then
<provider> should be some kind of team or individual who's behind
multiple apps.

Using /opt/maemo for anything other than maemo-optify output could
cause confusion, if not problems.



Andrew Flegg -- mailto:and...@bleb.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
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