On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Felipe Crochik <fel...@crochik.com> wrote:
> Just a wild guess: isn't it just a matter of having the file on
> http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/fremantle-1.2/non-free/
> Instead of (or in addition to):
> http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/fremantle/non-free/
> ??
> I imagine you are looking for a "long term" solution but would be nice if
> there was also a "quick and dirty" solution so users don't get "lost" trying
> to install the app.
The quick and dirty solution would have been overwritten the next time
the sync runs, so that was not an option.

I've found and solved the blockage for non-free apps in fremantle-1.2.
Your app should now be available.

> Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
> Thanks,
> Felipe

- Niels
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