On 09/07/2010 11:56 PM, ext Andrew Flegg wrote:
> [Follow-ups to maemo-developers, please]
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 19:22, Quim Gil <quim....@nokia.com> wrote:
>> On 09/07/2010 10:10 AM, ext Andrea Grandi wrote:
>>> let me understand better then. If neither a migration is planned, how
>>> the Maemo Community will be related to the MeeGo one?
>> The question is: what would you migrate or bridge from Maemo to MeeGo?
>> Some steps being done: running MeeGo in the N900, having a MeeGo Extras
>> process in place, [...]
> Without being able to reuse each other's packages - or indeed break
> ones own application into multiple packages - I suspect the "MeeGo
> Extras" process is going to fail:
>     http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-dev/2010-September/005525.html
> However, it seems that Intel & Nokia in their ivory towers are
> concentrating on app stores and single-package applications which
> include all their dependencies. I can understand why, given the lead
> that Android (and iOS, but let's at least pretend to be slightly
> realistic ;-)) has, but it seems the MeeGo Spec is going out of its
> way to sabotage community efforts.

Let Intel and Nokia care about the app store battle and let the MeGo
community (you are involved with) define the MeeGo Extras process that
suits your interests.

Tero is coordinating the MeeGo Extras repository. I also miss regular
updates about this task (see
http://wiki.meego.com/Community_Office#Committed_Tasks ) but I recommend
you to help getting those updates instead of (or in addition to) spread
the "it seems" assumptions.

And don't get me wrong: thank you for pushing the things that matters to
you. Actually most of them matter to my work as well. It's just that
what you call "Intel & Nokia in their ivory towers" is actually a less
glamorous problem that can be tracked down to specific teams and

And Tero don't get wrong either. You must have your reasons not to have
http://wiki.meego.com/Proposal_for_Community_Application_Support up to
date and running openly, but as you see this creates problems. Thank you
for helping pushing MeeGo openness!

PS: now, once you are fine at maemo-developers please move this
discussion to meego-dev or meego-community, where we actually can commit
to MeeGo things. Thank you!

Quim Gil
MeeGo advocate
maemo-developers mailing list

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