On Sep 23, 2010, at 11:09 , Kaj-Michael Lang wrote:

> Just wondering, is anybody reading secur...@maemo.org ?
> I've sent some information there a couple of over 2 weeks ago and
> haven't received any response or acknowledgment. 

Just to let you all know too -

There was a misconfiguration in the email forwarding on maemo.org that caused 
email to get lost without a bounce being sent back. We detected that about two 
weeks ago and got it fixed. However, we have lost all mail sent to this address 
during the breakdown, and would kindly request that you resend them if possible.

This was really unfortunate and in a hindsight, we should have had a system in 
place where we would have detected this sooner. We now have a "heartbeat" 
pinger which should be able to alert us if something like this happens again.

- Antti
maemo-developers mailing list
  • security bugs ? Kaj-Michael Lang
    • Re: security bugs ? Antti Vähä-Sipilä

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