
Daniel Klaffenbach wrote:
> I have discovered a bug in the maemo.org "Downloads" area. I have already 
> filed 
> a bug[1] about this two months ago, but nobody seems to care.

Ready, fire, aim, eh?

"Nobody seems to care" doesn't really seem fair, given that you opened
the bug & then there were no further comments at all. Your second
comment was around the same time you sent this email, and since then
there has been some activity.

> Maybe this is 
> due to the fact that the platform/website is considered abandoned - I don't 
> know. Since many people are still using Maemo devices and the maemo.org 
> website I would hope that there is still some interest in fixing website bugs.

With this tone, you're not really rubbing the people in a position to
help up the right way. I don't want to pick on you, but a little stick,
a little carrot wouldn't hurt. The platform is not abandoned (and saying
so is reflecting badly on the people maintaining it).

> What can I do against this? Is this really a bug? Do I need special 
> permissions to upload screenshots? Who could fix this?

Unfortunately, I am not aware of the list of people who are in a
position to debug & fix this problem, I know that Niels can, and I
assume that Ferenc also has access to the downloads site, but I'm not
sure how well he knows it. Outside of that I don't know of a definitive
list. Niels, perhaps you could help out by providing one & I'll document it?


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