On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 16:03:38 +0200
Attila Csipa <ma...@csipa.in.rs> wrote:

> ... and a happy new year !
> We have kickstarted a community 'compatibility program' with a little
> Forum Nokia help which will focus on bringing the latest Qt and
> related tech tools/fixes/updates to developers, without having to
> worry about Nokia release schedules and support status. The first
> component that is released as part of this effort is QtMobility 1.1
> (as 1.0.2 is getting long in the tooth), currently available as
> libqtm-11-* in extras-devel. If/when a SSU is released with 1.1 as
> the official, these libraries will be replaced with placeholders that
> point to those 1.1 libs. The bleeding edge can always be attained
> with libqtm-experimental which will permanently remain in
> extras-devel (after we test 1.1 this will switch to 1.2, etc). To use
> these packages you need do to CONFIG += mobility11 in your .pro file
> instead of just 'mobility' (as mobility will reference always the
> official one from the firmware). 
> Enjoy (and provide feedback/patches !)

Will a similar effort be done for N8x0 folks? Is there any technical
reason why Diablo should be locked in to qt 4.5.x instead of 4.7.1?

Joseph Charpak
maemo-developers mailing list

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