(note: follow-up set to maemo-developers ML)

Hi all!
I think we all agree that we should try our best to deliver good software updates and avoid at all costs breaking any existing features.

Shortly after releasing the first community SSU, we already got a few bugs:

Of these, https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11813 was rather critical, as we can see from the amount of duplicate bugs it got. One one hand, it's excellent that the bug was fixed so promptly; but on the other hand, I think we should realize that the risk of completely breaking or ruining the user experience with a non well tested SSU update is real.

I ran "git log -p" on the hildon-desktop repository (in the Community SSU project) and looked at the patches. It's scary. Commit 04725f6e6b261654d90fadeb2a2fc258a2ee3d28 consists of "26 files changed, 848 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)" and commit 0fea52b0b7ce2c27054e08e3fa2160106c8eeea2, which is titled "modify changelog" is adding one new source file (?).

No matter how good the developers are, I don't feel at all confident about having the development of core components happening in IRC, possibly with just 2 or 4 eyes reviewing the code.

So, either we stop advertising the SSU repository, and on the contrary make it even harder to enable than extra-devel (because potentially it is *much more dangerous* than that!), or we think of some measures to minimize the risks of breakage.

I would vote for the second: having more people using the work-in-progress community SSU is not only beneficial for testing, but for its development too, because more people get their hands itchy with the desire of improving it. :-)

Something like the LKML (Linux Kernel Mailing List): all patches are sent to the mailing-list before being merged into the master branch, and all subscribed people can comment, vote against the inclusion, or require some changes. We could introduce some rules about the number of people who need to approve a patch before it goes in, or assign components to maintainers, but I'd suggest to keep things simple and avoid creating processes until we really need to.

We could use the already existing maemo-commits or maemo-developers mailing list. I would opt for the latter, because I don't expect a huge traffic of patches; besides, the maemo-developers list is read by a few of the Nokia employees who originally wrote that code, so this could be of a huge help.

Please comment on the proposal. At the very least, we should immediately take the action of making the community SSU harder to enable and clearly state in the wiki pages that it's very high risk software.


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