Firstly, can anyone tell me the right way to edit gconf settings not exposed by the UI?

Specifically there are settings in /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/system/osso/connectivity/policy/%gconf.xml and /usr/share/icd2-settings-default/icd2-settings.xml that pertain to the ICD policy plugins, how can I edit those to make ICD load my new plugin (and whats the best way to make the ICD policy plugin restart itself so it can load the plugin?)

Secondly, are there any particular compile/link options I should be using when I build the shared library in order for it to work properly on the N900? Any tips for trying to figure out what compile/link options Nokia may have used?

Anything else I should know before I attempt to write this plugin and run it on my precious N900?

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