Ok, I'll admit I'm new to Git as a first point of business...but I'm
trying to upload my initial push to my new Garage Git repo, but I keep
getting the same error that tells me nothing at all about how to fix things:

Pushing to https://vcs.maemo.org/git/qwerkisync/
error: Cannot access URL https://vcs.maemo.org/git/qwerkisync/, return
code 22
fatal: git-http-push failed

I've committed to my local repo fine, I've pulled and synced the remote
repo just fine (and committed again removing the welcome file), and I
know I'm not behind a proxy, so what else could be causing this? ...and
more importantly, how do I fix it?

My 1st choice client is TortoiseGit on Windows, but I've also tried
using msysgit's GUI, as well as it's Bash shell...and all give the same

Any suggestions?
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