> What you could do is to enable swap on MMC and try again.
> If it works with the swap enabled, for some reason you are entering
> in low memory situation sooner now than before. Did you test it
> with no other programs running?

I have 64 MB of swap, set up using the Control Panel. I have tried it
only with the PDF reader open.

> However, if the problem doesn't go away even with swap enabled, 
> it might be a bug..

It might be :-).


Israel Herraiz             | Libre Software Engineering Lab (GSyC)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
http://libresoft.urjc.es   | Edif. Departamental II - Despacho 118
Telf: (+34) 91 488 8523    | c/Tulipán s/n 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)

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