Hey everyboddy!
So, after all this time long... does 770 still worth the price ?! Or should i wait for some other (new) MAEMO device ?

thanks in advance!

On 2/10/06, forger br <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey everybody!
I've been reading some reviews about Nokia 770 but I thought that would be better to take some information about it here, on the list..

I'm considering the idea of buying one Nokia 770 for personal use (twenty four seven, and developing). Does it worth the price? How is the battery? And the wireless communications (wifi and bluetooth)? What about the internal memory (can i use a pendrive on it?)? What about the softwares that are avaible?
I would like to know whatever you guys, users and developers of nokia 770, have to say about it!

Thanks in advance,
Jesus Sanchez-Palencia

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