2007/2/7, Jens Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

i want to install contacts0.3 from opened hand. Unfortunately there are no
debs available. Can somebody tell me, how to compile them for my device?
I've tried it on my n800 but he didn't found a c compiler.

Any help would be fine,
thanks Jens Becker

maemo-users mailing list

You cannot compile anything on the device itself, there is no room and no
need for a full development environment there.
The proper way to do it is from within the Maemo SDK [1], but as far as I
now Contacts has not been hildonized yet, that is it's not designed to be
integrated with Maemo environment, it's (just) a plain GTK app.
Of course you can try and hildonize [2] it by yourself ;-) (I like Contacts,
too, and I've always wanted to do it myself, but never even started due to
lack of spare time these days).

Luca Donaggio

[1] http://www.maemo.org/downloads/download-sdk.html
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