On 2/15/07, Marius Vollmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I grant you a brief peek into our internal software
requirements... :-) The Application manager shall suggest a backup to be taken
           before a system update is installed.

Rebooting and checking for enough free flash will also be taken care

Yeah, we should be doing this kind of planning more in the open...

Would this just be for major updates--perhaps those than cause a change in
the firmware revision number--or would this be any time a "system" package
gets an upgrade?

My thought is that it might be worthwhile to have a constant warning written
at the bottom of the "Check for Updates" dialog in the Application manager.
A user should really backup before any update, but prompting with a dialog
that frequently will only encourage users to ignore it. Major updates should
definitely come with a dialog, and as this occurs less frequently perhaps
people might actually read it and heed the warning ;)

The trade off, I suppose, is such a constant warning will take up screen
real estate. My $0.02

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