On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 03:58:15PM +0200, Benjamí Villoslada wrote:
> El Dilluns 02 Abril 2007 09:16, Eero Tamminen va escriure:
> > One could also try just adding swap to the memory card from the control
> > panel.
> I've added swap and the issue is solved!


> I'm confused because Maemo Mapper work fine without swap after the N800 
> flashing :?
> Marius, Jonathan have you swap?

I don't.  I usually have FBreader and osso-xterm open.  Often, media
player as well.  Maemo Mapper fits into my RAM.

I also have load-applet that shows me memory usage.  I start closing
applications when it shows all four bars as being used.

It would be interesting to know why Maemo Mapper wants so much memory
on your tablet.  Do you have other applications open?  Maybe you have
some applet that is leaking memory?

Marius Gedminas
The typewriter was invented by Hungarian immigrant Qwert Yuiop, who left his
"signature" on the keyboard.
        -- "Kim"

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