On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 12:23:35PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 06:58:24AM -0400, Peter Bart wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 07:52 +0100, Alan Williamson wrote:
> > > the other day thinking, if this device had GPRS/EDGE support then it 
> > > would be a rival for the iPhone.
> > 
> >     Apples and oranges, literally. I for one do *not* want it to be an
> > iPhone competitor. Then the beauty of this device will get lost in the
> > noise. I want a device much like it is now, separate from my phone.
> I agree.  But then again, I disagree.  My thinking of late is that i no 
> longer want my phone to be my phone.  I want it to go away and as a 
> replacement, I'd like to see an increased use of VOIP, hopefully through a 
> device like the 770, when I want, and through a different device when I don't 
> want.
> I'd like to be able to forget my phone at home and still be able to make 
> calls as if I hadn't, or switch phones with the ease of a username/password 
> combo.  
> The iPhone is a neat device, but I think it's going in the wrong direction.  
> I think (hope) that the direction for distant voice communication is over IP. 
>  I guess time and network infrastructure will tell.  Still, the Nokia tablet 
> is obviously already positioned to make this happen.
I haven't got an N800 yet, but I do have a Palm Pilot and I find 
it quite convenient that it is NOT my phone.  I'm glad I don't have 
to hold holding the phone to my ear while trying to make notes on it.

-- hendrik
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