On Wed, 2007-08-22 at 14:14 -0400, ext Hal Vaughan wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 August 2007, Neil MacLeod wrote:
> > Hal Vaughan wrote:
> > >> If you install openssh as root using "apt-get install ssh" you
> > >> should end up with both the server and client tools installed.
> > >
> > > I finally got it.  The problem is that it's in the extras
> > > repository (at least for mistral) and that was not documented
> > > anywhere, at least that I found -- and I did search the site and
> > > other sites as well.  Can someone update the main repository list
> > > to include that information?
> > >
> > > Hal
> >
> > This looks to be a result of the new server and client openssh
> > packages recently placed in extras. The old combined server & client
> > openssh package should still be in repository.org mistral free unless
> > someone has removed it (doesn't look like it).
> I tried, several times, from directions on two separate pages, to 
> install the ssh server from repository.maemo.org mistral free and it 
> wasn't there.  The client was there, but not the server (and the 
> description in the App Manager specifically said it was the client).
> What are the "rules" for membership and wiki editing?  If I create an 
> account can I just add this info myself to the repositories list?  I 
> figure stating that openssh client and server are in the extras/free 
> would have made the difference for me and I would never have had to 
> post this question.
I'll add both openssh client and openssh-server .install files to
maemo/downloads as soon as I have approval for openssh garage project.
Waiting for 2 days already :(
As for now it's pretty simple - add mistral/extras(770) or
bora/extras(N800) to AM repository list and you will be able to install
both client and server using AM. No xterm/becomeroot and other black
magic is needed anymore :)

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