On Saturday 25 August 2007, Damien Challet wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 August 2007 17:49:06 Hal Vaughan wrote:
> > On Monday 20 August 2007, Mike Klein wrote:
> > > You're looking for a bt-legacy adapter for ps/2 (or usb)
> > > devices...as far as I know they only do this (i.e. Motorola) for
> > > audio line out.
> > >
> > > That's my problem with all bt keyboards...they're either chintzy
> > > little folding things that always flex too much for lap use or
> > > they are HUGE monstrosities like my MX5000...or they give you
> > > crap key layout.
> > >
> > > If somebody put out a bt keyboard like the HappyHacking keyboard
> > > I'd be in heaven.
> > >
> > > All the 'good' small-sized wireless keyboards I've found were RF
> > > and not BT.
> >
> > I've given up on the one thing I'd like: A portable keyboard with
> > the natural layout.  It makes big difference for me on my desktop
> > keyboard.
> What about the iGo Stowaway (not the ultra-slim?). It seems to have
> the same layout as desktop keyboards.
> http://www.igo.com/product.asp?sku=3104369

I was wondering about the name, since it's the same name as my current 
keyboard and the .pdf data sheet says iGo used to be Think Outside.  
The layout is MUCH better than my current one, though, so I may be 
switching to that one soon (when I can afford or justify another 
keyboard purchase).  What's the size like?

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