
Canola is one of the best apps around for pdas...let alone the N800.

I had no problems when I installed and it works perfectly.


> I had this problem, and deleted the junk.  Like most, I'm too busy to
> wade thru junkie installation failures and funky kludge fixes. 
> Maemo needs to have a way for end users to quickly note apps that
> don't install cleanly without hassles. 
> Danilo Cesar wrote:
>> I had this same problem, but I solve it by adding a new user:
>> adduser --shell /bin/false avahi
>> Just remember to disable this user after that.
>> Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula
>> UFPR - Ciência da Computação
>> http://www.danilocesar.com
>> Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula
>> UFPR - Ciência da Computação
>> http://www.danilocesar.com
>> José Luís escreveu:
>>> Hi,
>>> Recently, I have this problem too. This is because, canola's 
>>> installation was no successfully finished . This happen in the 
>>> installation of avahi-daemon (canola dependency), because he try to 
>>> access /etc/shadow file, but is not present in the n800 device. To solve 
>>> this I used xterm to create a /etc/shadow file based on /etc/passwd (see 
>>> shadow file in any linux distribution, for details) . After  creation of 
>>> /etc/shadow file, you can use the command apt-get install -f, to fix 
>>> canola's installation.
>>> Good luck,
>>> José Luís
>>> On 9/6/07, *Steve Yelvington* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>     Is there some magic to making Canola actually find local media? Using
>>>     the Web-based configurator, I have /media/mmc1 and /media/mmc2 in the
>>>     Media Library. There are several gigs of MP3 files in folders on mmc1,
>>>     and I've rescanned until I'm blue in the face, but Canola still
>>>     can't do
>>>     anything but sit there and tell me "No items found" when I select "Audio
>>>     Library."
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>>> -- 
>>> José Luís do Nascimento
>>> Mestrando em Engenharia Elétrica
>>> Laboratório de Sistemas Embarcados e Computação Pervasiva
>>> Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
>>> jluisn at dee.ufcg.edu.br <http://dee.ufcg.edu.br>
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