I changed the root user password to something reasonable.

I noticed that the "user" account is "locked" (!) in /etc/passwd... 
should I actually change that?

How can I get a decent shell on this thing, without freaking out 
"busybox" or doing something wierd like installing a package that 
renames bash to bash-m...

After looking at the various cross-dependencies, it would appear that 
doing anything serious requires dumping busybox and replacing it, but 
synaptic, etc. insist that everything that makes the box functional is 
dependent ont the busybox package... so, what do people do in this case?


James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 September 2007 12:39:52 Thomas Leavitt wrote:
>> What's the cleanest way to get this?
>> Thomas
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> For me and my way of thinking.  Install Xterm... Install openssh (as apposed 
> to dropbear) from garage.  open Xterm and  do ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  use 
> rootme 
> as the password.  Add this line to /etc/sudoers  
> Now give bother the user named user and root real passwords. Once you do this 
> user, user can sudo su  to root whenever you need it to.   I also recommend 
> removing the ability of root to ssh directly after you have confirmed that 
> you can sudo.
> James

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