
ext James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Thursday 13 September 2007 00:16:14 Thomas Leavitt wrote:
>> So, like, when my box locked up (for no particular reason I could tell)
>> and I had to wipe and re-install, three days after I got the thing, it
>> wasn't that big a deal... just a few wasted hours... but now, I've got a
>> substantial investment in it... how do I back this thing up, so I can
>> re-flash it to where it is now, in case something breaks in the future
>> and "bricks" it?
> -- . Went to Control Panel/Backup and made full backup.
> 2. Copied some files(in particular Maemopad+ database) which were in root 
> directory for some reason to my mmc1 card.
> 3. Saved list of installed applications to the mmc1 card by running dpkg –
> get-selections > /media/mmc1/soft.txt
> 4. Flashed new firmware (flashing guide is here: 
> http://internet-tablet.com/main/pereproshivaem-n800-ustanavlivaem-os-2007/)
> 5. During first boot Installation Wizard recognized backup on my card and 
> proposed to restore it. I couldn't refuse that :)
> 6. Install xterm(http://maemo-hackers.org/osso-xterm.install) and 
> becomeroot(http://eko.one.pl/maemo/dists/bora/user/binary-armel/becomeroot_0.1-2_armel.deb)

Instead of gainroot & installing xterm I would install ssh, copy my
public key to the device and disable password logins.  It's much nicer
then to do these command line operations with the desktop machine
keyboard. :-)

> 7. Open xterm window, become root: $sudo gainroot and change default root 
> password: #passwd
> 8. Get our saved list of installed software from the place we put it before: 
> #dpkg –set-selections < /media/mmc1/soft.txt
> 9. Upgrade according to the selected list: #apt-get dselect-upgrade
> 10.Application manager displays list of packages to upgrade and asks for my 
> permission: Yes!
> 11.Packages got loaded in a couple of minutes and installation begins.
>    Sometimes licence agreement windows pop up. I agree :)
> 12.When application installer finished its work (no error messages!) I looked 
> at the menu - all software have been installed successfully except of that 
> which was installed not from repositories.

        - Eero
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