Just FYI, I have noticed a change in this behaviour with OS2008 (at 
least in RX-44_2008SE_1.2007.42-18).

All the root certs that ship with OS2008 are pre-set to be Trusted for WLAN 
(not for E-mail or Browser).

So there should no longer be a need to manually set the WLAN Trust checkbox, 
unless you need to import a new root certificate (eg. if you 
are using a private CA).

technut wrote:
 > You get the "can't find a certificate to validate the server" error
 > message if you either don't have the matching root cert, or if it
 > isn't enabled for WLAN connections.
 > If you can figure out which CA your Radius server certificate is from
 > (eg. Entrust? Verisign? ask the Radius admin guys), then go into
 > Control panel / Certificate manager / Authorities tab and you'll
 > probably see the root certificate that matches the Radius cert.
 > Select it and choose Trust, then check the WLAN box.

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