On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 05:27:56PM +0100, Sascha Feldhorst wrote:
> Unfortunately the packet manager seems to have problems with the
> proxy authentification. For example updating the packet list
> fails. In the protocol the following error message could be found:
> ...
> E:Failed to fetch 
> http://www.fbreader.org/maemo/dist/bora/user/binary-armel/Packages.gz 407 
> Proxy Authentification Required
> ...
> I found out, that apt respects the following environment variables
>  * http_proxy
>  * https_proxy
>  * ftp_proxy
> I tried to handle this error by setting this variables in my /etc/profile, 
> e.g.
> http_proxy="http://<proxy user:proxy passwd>@<proxy address>:<proxy port>
> With no sucess, even after a reboot.

I think that using
    export http_proxy="..."
in /etc/profile should work. But if it doesn't, you can edit
/etc/apt/apt.conf, and add the line
    APT::Acquire::http::Proxy "...";
(or add it as a separate file, like /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99proxy )
Check out the man page for apt.conf on a Debian or Ubuntu system for details.

Eric Cooper             e c c @ c m u . e d u
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