Hi Folks,
as January will be very busy for me, i thought to publish the first issue
of my "new-media lifestyle" ezine in 800x480 format not just next month,
but now.

This is what you get: 66 pages presenting some new gadgest, new software,
new wallpapers, new websites that fit on your n770, n800 and n810.

You can read the ezine online or download it as ZIP file and then open
it through your browser.
The link is http://www.cyberholic.de/atarashi

To answer a few questions, that already have been posted to me:

Q: Why is it in Flash and not as PDF?
A: Because it has the so called Page-Flip effect and in future issues
will have Video and mp3 implemented.

Q: Can i view it with my 770?
A: I have been informed today that it needs the Flash 9.x Plugin.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask me.

Hope you like it and thanks for your time,
maemo-users mailing list

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