On Friday, January 4, 2008, 12:15:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Paolo, 

>> Hi,
>>   I tried modest (great!)... is there a way to move the persistence
>> directory where account's cache and headers are stored? i.e. on the
>> memory cards?

> Not without changing the source code and recompiling, no. (the change
> isn't too hard, search for the places where MODEST_DIR is used).

I see but I think, I'll use the mount --bind solution, waiting a
easier way to move away from my home dir the persistence directory.

> Anything particular reason you want to have your ~/.modest elsewhere?

I have a N800 (256Mb) with many apps installed :-P So I'd like to move
on a external memory card my .modest directory.

I would also ask if somebody knows how to defined witch are the
folders to be syncronized automatically from my IMAP account.

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