On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 07:04:43PM +0200, Magnus Larsson wrote:
>  > I have a N770 (feels a bit old now....) that I just reflashed, installed
>  > OS2007 hacker edition, and then tried to install Maemo mapper, one of
>  > the most important applications for me right now.
>  >
>  > I can install version 2 for OS2006, through the
>  > maemo-mapper-os2006.install (found on
>  > https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=29), and it launches. I scan for
>  > bluetooth GPS devices and it finds my Holux GPSlim236. But then it
>  > cannot connect, times out and says "Error trying to connect to GPSD
>  > server".
>  >
>  > In Settings, GPSD is set to, port 2947 (default setting).
>  Don't use GPSD from Maemo Mapper -- instead use a direct Bluetooth
>  connection.
>  I don't remember if OS2007 included gpsd or if that was an extra
>  package.  OS2007 does indeed include gpsd but doesn't start it unless
>  you ask for it via DBus (and Maemo Mapper doesn't, which makes the gpsd
>  option useless).
>  Marius Gedminas

I'm confused; does Maemo Mapper use gpsd, just not through DBus? Maps
and Maemo Mapper seem to get along fine running simultaneously - is
that possible with a direct Bluetooth connection?

So if NavIT can't find the bluetooth GPSr by itself I'm out of luck?
(From what I've read, Navit can only access gpsd, not bluetooth or any
other direct GPSr connection.) Someone has got NavIT running on an
N800, but details are not available.

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