Tuukka Tolvanen wrote:
On 5/10/08, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 One thing I've noticed is that there seems to be some kind of proxy
 thing going on when I try to go to a Web site: instead of just going
 directly to the site I selected, there's some sort of
 "wysiwyg.something" address that shows in the address bar. Is it
 attempting to show us a WAP page or something before referring the
 real one?

google is somewhat helpful, once you turn off the spellcheck in your goggles ;)


:-) Thanks for enlightening me. I knew it wasn't quite WYSIWIG, but it doesn't show all the time, and it didn't stay on screen long enough the times I noticed it to catch the correct spelling. I've never seen it show up on any of my other Mozilla installations.

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