On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 04:47:36PM -0500, Kahlil Johnson wrote:
> Hi I am going to sell my old 770 and I would like to know how can I
> master reset it, or at least update to the latest build for 770.

You can get the flasher and the latest firmware image from Nokia's support 
site.  There is also a OS2008 hacker edition firmware floating out there.  
Those would be the newest versions for the 770.  

Flashing will eliminate all your personal data stored on the device, but will 
not touch any MMC cards you have in there, so you will have to delete that data 

hope that helps,

In Vino Veritas

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  • Master reset Kahlil Johnson
    • Re: Master reset Kevin T. Neely

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