On Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 09:09:07PM +0300, Sameer Verma wrote:
> Dr. Nicholas Shaw wrote:
> service would keep telling me that I could not use Bluetooth because I
> had not purchased the "tethering package". I was at the end of my
> contract and so, I switched to T-Mobile. It not only connects vis

The what?  I'm sorry, that's just funny.  I don't think I've ever heard of 
anything like that.  You either have a data plan or you don't.  Either way, if 
your phone is capable, you should be able to tether to it.  Never listen to 
anything the AT&T service people say.  Firstly, one will usually tell you 
something completely different from what the next will say, and secondly, 
they're usually /both/ wrong.

Like Jonathan, I use an N-series handset.  It works perfectly for me and seems 
pretty quick on the 3g network.


In Vino Veritas

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