On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 4:06 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> => Correct. There are some "roll-up" keyboards, but those aren't ideal
> => for the reasons discussed, and I've never seen a hard plastic USB
> => keyboard that folds up.
> I've got one, and I love it. Mine is an older model, originally meant for use
> with Palm Pilots. It has good tactile feel, and it folds to about the size of 
> a
> paperback book, about 1/4 the size of a regular keyboard.
>        http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Palm m500 Portable 
> Keyboard:1990808602;_ylt=AugU7IngGkyIhCUjhfLPxHKVI74F;_ylu=X3oDMTA4ZXVyOWdvBHNlYwNyZWNv

Is that USB? I *have* seen these - or something very similar - before,
but I thought they just had the proprietary Palm connector.

> This kind of model is very hard to find now, but there are many hard plastic
> USB keyboards that fold in 1/2:
>        http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Toshiba Targus Universal USB Portable 
> Keyboard:1993566256;_ylt=ApzxWJ9rOXGg9eKrQctpiO6VI74F;_ylu=X3oDMTA4ZXVyOWdvBHNlYwNyZWNv
>        http://www.matias.ca/foldingkeyboard/
> http://secure.tabletkiosk.com/tkstore/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=24&idproduct=165

The others look interesting, but at those prices I think I'll just
save up for the bluetooth keyboard. I can't imagine why anybody would
use one of them with a regular laptop - the built-in keyboard would be

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