On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> That goes double for you. I understand your point of view perfectly. I
>> am not disputing the fact that sync is useful and powerful. You are
>> the one who is maintaining, quite incorrectly, that sync makes import
>> & export obsolete.
> No, I maintain, that import and export conceptually is a special case of
> sync.
> Bye,
>       Simon
> --
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://simon.budig.de/

...and you are wrong.

By definition, sync is the process of making sure that two or more
locations contain the *same* up-to-date files:

By definition, import & export are the processes of creating *new*
external files of *different* formats.

Again, including import/export functionality in a sync app does NOT
mean that import/export is a subset of sync. To say that is exactly
the same as saying that a word processor is a subset of email, or that
audio equipment is a subset of automobiles.

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