ext Ryan Abel wrote:
> Well, when Nokia is done with Diablo to the point that they wont even
> apply a simple patch like this[1], then I'd say future plans are pretty
> important.

It's not that "Nokia is done with Diablo". The development is split in
teams and the Diablo development differs depending on teams. Some teams
are indeed mostly or totally done with Diablo since the component is
stable and all the work has moved forward to the new releases.

They are prepared to react if big problems arise but they are less
likely (according to the internal process) to deviate resources for
minor issues. This is probably the case of the Control Panel development.

This makes sense from a purely internal perspective (users can leave
without a control panel going full screen - as a user I hadn't noticed
ever myself). However, I agree with you that rejecting a patch for an
easyfix doesn't make much sense from a purely external point of view...

So more work trying to connect and complement internal and external
views. Going back to my initial suggestion, at least we at Nokia better
invest our time fixing a practical issue like this rather than having a
discussion about future plans before the foundations of those plans are
in place.

> [1]https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3470

Quim Gil
marketing manager, open source
Maemo Software @ Nokia
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