> Ahem, forgot to look into the SMAPS data included into "rich-cores".
> Yes, this crash is definitely in load-applet code as 0x42fa0350
> address is where load-applet is loaded.
> --------
> ...
> 42f9c000-42fa4000 r-xp 00000000 1f:04 21551
> /usr/lib/hildon-status-bar/libload.so
> Size:                32 kB
> Rss:                 32 kB
> Shared_Clean:         0 kB
> Shared_Dirty:         0 kB
> Private_Clean:       32 kB
> Private_Dirty:        0 kB
> ...
> --------
> So, if you had load-applet running in Desktop before the crash,
> you could install the Gtk libgtk2.0-0-dbg package, reproduce your
> crash and check with Gdb[1] whether it shows something similar.
> If yes, please complain to load-applet developers:
>        https://garage.maemo.org/projects/load-applet/

Yes, definitely create a ticket there. But I'll be able to check on it
only in 2 weeks when I get my laptop.

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