Andrew Flegg wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Ryan Abel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Nov 24, 2008, at 11:05 AM, Mark wrote:
>>> But that's not what we're talking about anyway. The point was who the
>>> Tablets are marketed to, not the mailing list itself. At this point in
>>> time, no average PDA user is going to have much success with the
>>> Tablets without learning a bunch of Linux and getting their hands
>>> dirty under the hood. That's hardly consumer-friendly.
>> The tablets aren't really _marketed_ to anybody, as Nokia doesn't
>> actually market them. I've yet to see anybody convincingly back up the
>> claim that a "bunch of Linux" is required to use the device "as
>> advertised", but this argument seems to be made up mostly of emotion,
>> and I've had it more times than I care to remember, so I'm quite
>> certain I know what the result of this one will be. Feel free to prove
>> me wrong, though.
> My toddler (seen to those of you at the Summit on Saturday -
> eventually) happily uses the bookmarks menu on an N810, can start Tux
> Paint, can navigate to his folder of shortcuts and can then navigate
> the web browser.
> My wife uses an N810, installs applications, browses the web etc.
> Neither know any Linux command line incantations. It's not perfect at
> the moment, but it *is* a lot better than people say.
> Cheers,
> Andrew

Has either of them tried to flash the tablet? Had an update fail? Frankly, 
they've just been lucky so far. Sooner or later there's going to be a problem 
they can't fix, and it's going to be up to you to deal with it. Either that, or 
they're never going to do an update or upgrade, and could just as well be using 
a PalmOS device, because they're not using any of the features or apps unique 
the tablets.


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