On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:26:48AM +0100, Ove Nordström wrote:
> It is not possible to install passwordSafe from
> http://maemo.org/downloads/OS2008/security/ ?
> I get an error "it was not possible to get pwsafe"
> Why?

Apparently pwsafe was only available from Diablo Extras-devel, while the
.install file in the maemo.org/downloads site wanted to get it from

I've promoted pwsafe from Extras-devel to Extras, it should become
installable soon.

It's not very polished (e.g. double-clicking is *very* finicky and
doesn't follow the Maemo convention of single-tapping an already
selected item to activate it), but at least it's functional.  I've been
using it for months.

So, summary: wait a bit and try again.  Alternatively (if you don't want
to wait), enable the Extras Devel repository, described here:

Marius Gedminas
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
                -- Albert Einstein

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