On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Laura Conrad <su...@laymusic.org> wrote:
> I got the 810 bacause I was really satisfied with the 770 as an ebook
> reader and the 770 died.  I was looking forward to having support for
> some of the other applications.  Playing audio does work a lot better
> than it did on the 770, but since I hate headphones, I don't really
> use that a lot.
> The one PIM application that I was really hoping would work better was
> the calendar.  It looks like ermina is supposed to do exactly what I
> want -- sync betewen google calendar and the local gpe calendar when
> connected and let you use the local calendar when not connected.

Since someone got Thunderbird already working on Maemo

it would be really really really nice to have the full Sunbird
calendar built in the same way...


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