On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 01:06:58PM +0000, Matt Emson wrote:
> >
> > 3. Apple does not support Free Software in general
> > (if you know any Apple software released under the GNU GPL Free
> > Software license, let me know)
> > that puts it at odds with the N8xx tablets Linux OS foundation.
> Free software does not require GPL.

squeak is a smalltalk inmplementation.  It was apparently put together 
in an Apple research facility, and appears to be free, but not GPL'd

> >
> >
> > So please don´t. I wouldn´t buy any device from Apple corp.
> Apple Corp is the Beatles record label, isn't it?

Yes.  Apple licenced the name to build their computers.  There was
legal dispute about the scope of the licence when Apple started with 

-- hendrik
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