Not sure that's true.  I use the same charger for all my devices, and my E63
battery is definitely bigger than the N800.  Both are 3.7V.  N800 1300mAh,
E63 1500mAh.  Just wish they had the leads in the same place so I could swap
them back and forth.

I would think any charger from a Nokia smartphone would be fine on the
tablets.  Of course, I have no empirical evidence for any of this.  :)


On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Peter Flynn <> wrote:

> Kevin T. Neely wrote:
> > Nokia uses the same charger for all its batteries, so I'm sure that
> > wouldn't be a problem.
> But you can get several differently-rated Nokia chargers with the same
> micro-plug (like the N800) intended for other devices like phones. So
> they'll fit, but the weaker (phone) ones won't give the heavier devices
> (N800) the full charge -- as I discovered to my cost when we went away
> last year and I forgot my N800 charger and couldn't buy one anywhere and
> had to rely on my daughter's phone charger twice a day...
> ///Peter
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