On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Peter Flynn <peter.fl...@mars.ucc.ie>wrote:

> [Java not only a language but a platform]
> >
> > Thats part of Suns stupid marketing strategy. Its a language and a
> > platform. C++ is a language. QT is a platform. Oh hell, according to
> > the marketing Java is an OS as well.
> It's a language. There are platforms and OS-like applications built with
> it, but it's a language.

No, you´re wrong. It´s a platform AND a language. In fact in the Java 1.x
days Sun CLEARLY promoted it like that. Then the language jihad got over and
the platform issue mostly disappeared from marketing. But it´s STILL a

You can write code in Python or Ruby and run it in the java platform thanks
to Jython and JRuby. H*ck, you can even use IBM´s Netrexx and write Rexx
code and end up with Java bytecode...

> > Both GTK and QT are plattforms which are just as powerfull as Java.
> > The need for Java on Maemo is pretty limited.
> Possibly, but essential in my case. It's a deal-breaker: no Java means I
> can't do my work, which requires several applications currently requiring
> Java. If Java isn't available for the N900, I won't buy it, and nor will any
> of my colleagues in the same business, several of whom bought N8*0s after
> seeing mine do what it does.

Exactly my point. Nokia has a LOT to win by shipping the device with a Sun
Java VM preinstalled. But they won´t listen, I´ve been saying this to
anybody that would hear -both at Nokia and elsehwere- but it seems to me
they´re too cozy with MSFT now...

Ironically, Symbian has better Java support than Maemo...


Of course, that´s because that decision was made a lot of time before the
current Nokia-MSFT honeymoon.
I bet they´d drop Java support from Symbian if they could.

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