On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 14:10 +0200, ext sebastian maemo wrote:
> Thank you very much for the tip.
> But unfortunately it didn't work:
> # swapoff /media/mmc1/.swap
> swapoff: /media/mmc1/.swap: Read-only filesystem

Try "mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk1p1" before the swapoff?

If that fails, then you can move away /etc/init.d/ke-recv script and
reboot, format the card, move it back and boot again.  That way the swap
is not enabled at boot.


> :-(
> 2009/9/18 Peter Romero <p_rom...@gmx.de>
>         swapon and swapoff are for Extended Virtual Memory.
>         http://maemo.org/community/oldwiki/howto-createswap/ 
>         Peter Romero
>         p_rom...@gmx.de
> -- 
> Salut,
> Sebas

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