On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 21:38, Mark <wolfm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> N900 $510
> http://www.buy.com/prod/nokia-n900-unlocked-maemo-internet-tablet-3g-phone-panoramic-desktop/q/loc/12435/212003401.html?adid=17582
> Note that there is no mention of the fact that 3.5G is network
> dependent and NOT quadband. Even at this very discounted price, it's
> still way too expensive for most people. If they get it below $200
> locked and $300 unlocked it might have a chance, but at these prices
> it's going to sell very poorly.

The price of an unlocked iPhone 3GS is $900:


How can nearly half that price for similar hardware be "way too
expensive"?! What magic wand can you wave to reduce the price of
materials and R&D costs to make these devices palatably priced in the
marketplace? (Obviously high price is the barrier which makes Apple so
successful and Nokia less so, in the US at least. Oh, no - hang on...)



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